EdCamp Ukraine in Media
© 2015-2018, Public Organization "EdCamp Ukraine"
Hashtag #EdCampUkraine
We are building a community of responsible teachers!
25.05.2017 | How do teenagers create a project for GoF: tips and case studies
An article created at the regional (un)conference in the format of EdCamp in Poltava, by the teams of the Laboratory of Educational Changes / Education Transformation Lab and the Center for Innovative Education "Pro.Svit". Rollerdrom Berezivka, Robocod 10 +, TV Lab, "AgroSmart" are all the projects created by Ukrainian students. About how to encourage children to create their own projects, how to help them and raise funds - read in a new article from the New Ukrainian School.
"The methodological office should change its role for the teacher. He should cease to control it, and instead provi de methodological support and help to qualitatively improve the qualification", Oksana Annikova, director of the scientific and methodological center in Oleksandrija said.Let's get to read an article written by Viktorija Topol on the results of the regional (un)conference.
06.04.2017 | How does a pilot school in Reshetylivka work?
As you know, Viktorija Topol and New Ukrainian School portal are definitely following for every regional event in E dCamp format.We already had articles devoted to Shostka, Chernigiv and Trudoljub and now we have finished the material about Reshetylivka. Morning circle, modeling program, lapbooks and teacher are always around the child - all about pilot schools. Extraordinary interviews with practitioners and children about the primary school "in a new way" read via the link!
06.04.2017 | What is the Finnish education like or good sense
An extremely useful article for anyone who dreams about the Finnish school but never been in this northern country. The article consists of lifehacks on walls and floors, teachers room and toilets, lockers and calls, books, garbage and dining room, and about a lot of things more. Read interview of Viktorija Topol with a member of the EdMandry to Finland Valentyna Fedoryaka during a regional (un)conference in Trudoljub.
P.S. Article is being late - we apologize! Our teams have taken on ourselves a bit too much 😊
26.03.2017 | The Finns near Poltava. How the Scandinavian teachers taught in a rural school
Read about the story of boy Dima, a student of Trudoljub school, and the influence of reflexes on daily school activities in the article by Halyna Kovalchuk in the national FOCUS magazine.
22.03.2017 | LEADER WITHOUT TITLE: how the teacher's dream came true - and the Finns came to a village school
"Actually, I need a school of happiness in Trudo ljub, that i t was. I want to do something useful for it. Well ... as a leader without a title. I do not need a title. I want my grandchildren to say: "Our grandfather died for Ukraine, and my grandmother traveled around the world after his death, spoke English and changed the school." And we will say nothing more - read it yourself.
21.03.2017 | How the Finns changed the school in the village in Poltava for 7 days
Another cool article about the Ukrainian-Finnish experiment "Change in 7 Days" in Trudoljub school. Some quotations are not included, so we give them here: "Perhaps we did not fight for our progress - got a tutorial, and we are working. This is not all that, I know it now" (Tetjana Sheljug). "To learn, you need to have a desire. I have 38 years of experience. Someone says that this is a guarantee of professionalism. But now this experience and knowledge began to disturb me" (Galyna Onoprijenko).
12.03.2017 | Kaisu Helminen and Esa Sinivuori about Finnish school
Did you know that not only NOKIA phones were "born" in a small northern country - the country, educational experts from which came to Ukraine to share their experience? And Angry Birds - the world-famous game? What about the world's largest cruise liners for the Caribbean and the world's largest icebreakers? And the small private company Ponsse, which has already won the market of northern Europe as a manufacturer of logging equipment? About different things - and not educational :) - which you definitely did not know about Finland.
10.03.2017 | Partnership and childhood centering - Finnish experts helped teachers from Poltava region to transform school
The official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has published a post-release on the first Finnish-Ukrainian experiment to transform the school "Change in 7 Days".
10.03.2017 | How in the Ukrainian rural school the Finnish model of education has been implemented
"They came not to teach, but to help in a different way use those valuable things that are already in school."
About all the finnish that a small village school in Trudoljub had done before Finnish experts from Lumo Education Ltd. came, told Valentyna Fedoryaka.
09.03.2017 | Co-teaching. What is it and why?
Wanted to co-teach, but did not know how and where to start? To your attention there is an extremely important text from EdCamp Ukraine, Lumo Education Ltd., New Ukrainian School and Nadiya Shvadchak!
09.03.2017 | Valentyna Fedoryaka about implementation of the Finnish educational experience in the Ukrainian school
Why did the Trudoljub school win the "Change in 7 Days" experiment? How did they teach Ukrainian educators to co-teach and evaluate? What are the plans of school administration and school teachers now? See an interview with Valentyna Fedoryaka - a teacher of mathematics and physics, a person who not only applied for, but also lit the whole school with the idea of reforming in Finnish.
01.03.2017 | "My dream is here": how the Finnish teachers came to the Ukrainian village school
Ukrainian-Finnish experiment "Change for 7 Days" from the inside! About open lessons, self-evaluation, importance of stubbornly pursuing their goals, co-teaching, need for questions and child as the center of the universe. Thanks to the New Ukrainian School portal and Nadija Shvadchak for trying to show the depth of the process. We really liked it. And you?
25.02.2017 | In the rural school in Poltava, the Finnish system of education is being implemented
Answered the most common questions about the Ukrainian-Finnish "Change in 7 Days" experiment. What did Trudoljub school do to win the competition? Did the school really change and what are these changes? What is co-teaching? How to "write in" Finnish methods in Ukrainian programs?
17.02.2017 | How to raise money in education and build partner relations
How does team cohesion affect the financial position of the organization? What to focus on: ideas or resources? What is a pre-contact and why is it so important to work with partners? Remember that "launching a large-scale project does not always require an office, and the lack of resources should not be a reason to stop".
04.02.2017 | Inspired professional development. 23 techniques that we can use tomorrow
Choose from 23 EdCamp Ukraine`s teachers training techniques - depending on the level of complexity, time, you have an opportunity to dedicate to your professional growth, size and motivation of the team, format of auxiliary means - and even weather!
31.01.2017 | One document for the whole school. How Finland have bet on the children
The second part of the most detailed material about the educational expedition of EdCamp Ukraine to Finland - about the atonomism of the teacher, the assistance of service centers and the phenomenon as the basis of social constructivism.
25.01.2017 | Global dignity day in Ukraine - 2017. The largest in Europe
The Global Dignity Day 2017 curators in Ukrainian schools shared practical recommendations and zests of their events, as well as explained why this event "needs to be lived by heart."
25.01.2017 | «Change in 7 days»: before February 2, Ukrainian schools can invite Finnish educational experts to the institution
About the program and partners of the first Finnish-Ukrainian experiment for school transformation.
18.01.2017 | Smells with Finland. What Ukrainian teachers can be tought in the coolest schools in the world
The first part of the detailed and in-depth analysis of the Finnish system of education by Ukrainian educators of EdMandry team from EdCamp Ukraine. Thank you to Nadia Bolehovska and Valentyna Fedoryaka for frank comments.
11.01.2017 | Soup with salmon and prestigious vocational schools. 7 facts about Finnish education
This article is not only about salmon soup, but the formation of evaluation, the single-nation-wide Wilma electronic system and the absence of "dead ends" in the Finnish education system.
11.01.2017 | Editorial outcomes-2017: interviews on socially important projects
Read here why the interview with the EdCamp Ukraine team has become one of the best stories on the portal in 2017.
11.01.2017 | Education as a national idea. The best projects that formed it in 2017
Regognizing the EdCamp Ukraine movement at the state level, identifying the community as the most influential catalysts of changes among the teachers, suggests that we are moving along with you in the right direction.
11.01.2017 | Is still "mother" washing a frame?
About the experience of anti-discrimination expertise of educational content - textbooks, programs and legal documents that has being provided for 3 years by EdCamp Ukraine with Gender Information and Analytical Center "KRONA".
08.01.2017 | About education system in Finland (part 2)
Finland has a history similar to Ukrainian one, and we have a lot of similar challenges with the Finns. About the Finnish experience of reforming the education system - from what it all began, and how their schools were studied by Ukrainian teachers - in the story of Oleksandr Elkin.
29.12.2017 | About education system in Finland (part 1)
Finland has a history similar to Ukrainian one, and we have a lot of similar challenges with the Finns. About the Finnish experience of reforming the education system - from what it all began, and how their schools were studied by Ukrainian teachers - in the story of Oleksandr Elkin.
22.12.2017 | In fact
A little more about the Finnish teacher as a key player in the educational field, the difference between cultures and the peculiarities of educational reform in Finland. Watch the second EdMandry`s video! :)
18.12.2017 | Your morning
About White Crow, Finland, Estonia and more! PR and partnership manager Iryna Minkovska told Kharkiv citizens about the difference between EdMandry and educational tourism, the topics of the Finnish school system embassies in Ukraine and ... for what money 20 Ukrainian educators got into this program :)
01.12.2017 | Could better. What are the ratings earned by the government of Volodymyr Groisman
How has education "studied" this year? The Focus magazine asked Mykola Skyba, Andrij Meljnyk, Natalija Tarchenko and Oleksandr Elkin.
27.11.2017 | #книгоНУШ. Educational communities have the opportunity to receive a set of 36 books for their own development
The EdCamp Ukraine team, together with the International Institute for Integrated Development, invites Ukrainian teachers to establish 10 book change laboratories in their schools and regional education communities.
23.11.2017 | THE ART OF SELF-IMPROVEMENT. How to motivate those who continue to work inertia?
Oleksandr Elkin and Iryna Minkovska spoke about the principles of effective and non-discriminatory teacher training, the pedagogy of the sun and the value bases of the profession wit the journalist of one of the most famous pedagogical editions of the country.
16.11.2017 | School Teacher = Entrepreneur. Is it possible in Ukraine?
Read why Ukrainian school teachers have all the chances of becoming successful entrepreneurs and about one of the major issues of the Fourth National (Un)Conference EdCamp Ukraine 2018 in the publication of our incredible PR and partnership manager Iryna Minkovska.
02.11.2017 | How EdCamp makes teachers Important, or Long Tail Effect
"Killed a slave in myself", "got a second professional breathing", "the children began to listen to me more attentively." Who is it about? About the White Crow - about us and you, about everyone who works every day to change the Ukrainian education for the better. How does EdCamp Ukraine work, with what has everything started and what plans are coming to be realized (which are constantly updated - be careful too!)
19.10.2017 | #growth ingredients: EdCamp Ukraine
Guess who this is about: "My first education was economic cybernetics, parents insisted on it. After graduation I worked in Cyprus as a financial advisor, but returned to Ukraine at the heart's call, despite career perspectives abroad"? Check how well you know EdCamp Ukraine team and its work!
14.10.2017 | Center of attraction. New Orleans schools, teacher training and educational startups
Did you know that in 2005, after Katrina's hurricane (the most devastating in US history), 80% of New Orleans was under water, 2,000 were killed, thousands lost their homes, and the city suffered a loss of 108 billion dollars? BUT! After the tragedy, the coolest startups, social entrepreneurs and activists from all over America came to the city. During 10 years they managed to make huge changes in regional education. Which? Read in the article of PR and partnership EdCamp Ukraine manager Iryna Minkovska!
12.10.2017 | "Measurements": Is it easy to be an ideal teacher?
Oleksandr Elkin on whether the ideal teacher and happy teacher are the same person.
02.10.2017 | The key to changes in secondary school in the hands of teachers
Oleksandr Elkin about how EdCamp Ukraine was born, why this format works and changes in the field of professional development of teachers in accordance with the new law "On Education". Extremely deep and careful interview!
26.09.2017 | Teach the teacher. Few ideas from from the educational cluster at the Publisher Forum
Interesting facts about EdCamp in a Box. 3.0 program, successful educational practices, teacher's financial motivation and respect for the profession in cities and villages, raising the skills of participants in the educational cluster at the 24th Publisher Forum.
26.09.2017 | Oleksandr Elkin about the Global Teacher Prize Ukraine Final on the Voice of the Capital radio
About the goal of Global Teacher Prize Ukraine - a strategic and tactical, hidden prize for finalists, the diversity of the top 20 and the inspirational atmosphere in Odesa, as well as about the opportunities for professional growth and three progressive norms of the new system of professional training in the law "On Education".
14.09.2017 | The role of feminitives in the Ukrainian language. Interview with experts
Have you miss the theme of feminitives? ;) Recently, it has paid a lot of attention to, including the team of EdCamp Ukraine. If you have not yet studied this question from A to Z, specially for you a new interview from Olena Malakhova and Oleksandr Elkin.
12.09.2017 | "Argument of the day": The reform of the Ukrainian school fully starts from the elementary next school year
Oleksandr Elkin's interview with Era radio on the mechanism for implementing Ukrainian language education in secondary schools and on the compliance of the new law "On Education" with the Constitution of Ukraine and the European Charter for the Protection of Languages of National Minorities.
10.09.2017 | "Measurements": How to encourage young people to get a teacher education
Oleksandr Elkin and Ljudmyla Parashchenko - the director of the Kyiv Business Lyceum - about new opportunities for professional growth of school teachers, which provides a new law "On Education", and about ways of motivating teachers to continuous professional development.
10.09.2017 | The EdCamp Movement in Ukraine - How to Train Responsible Teachers for the New School
About the cooperation between the NGO and the state sector in teacher training, how to bridge the gap between the needs of the market and school, about Finland and foreign experience, about the possibilities to get involved in school reform support - in EDCAMP UKRAINE INTERVIEW at BLOG.IMENA.UA.
12.08.2017 | In Ukraine the best teacher of the country is continuing to be searched
Among those who have already applied for participation in the Global Teacher Prize Ukraine, and a 24-year-old physics teacher, and 71-year-old teacher of literature. About the nominees, as well as the "white crows" of EdCamp Ukraine Oleksandr Elkin told 1+1.
PhD in Philology, advisor to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination in Education, EdCamp Ukraine Program Coordinator on why lately feminitives are actively used in verbal and written language, or is it planned to introduce the rules of feminitives using in Ukrainian grammar.
11.07.2017 | Education reform. How will the Ukrainian school change?
Deputy Minister of Education and Science Pavlo Khobzey, analyst of the CEDOS Center Iryna Kogut and program co-ordinator of EdCamp Ukraine Olena Malakhova in a new way about the new law "On Education".
30.06.2017 | Teachers #надтоважливі (#tooimportant). What new law "On education" will give to the teacher
What should be the teacher training system like? How does the new law "On Education" help the teacher to grow professionally? Find out which formula the EdCamp Ukraine team finds helpful.
27.06.2017 | The White Crows of education, or the community of responsible teachers
The masters of the authoritative school magazine tried to answer the questions of those who have never joined EdCamp (un)conferences - what are they different from ordinary pedagogical events, and why they are so far removed the Ukrainian school from the Soviet past.
26.06.2017 | When the educator is at the center of attention. All-Ukrainian (un)conference EdCamp Ukraine - 2017
Experts from the magazine have investigated how the team of the Third National (Un)conference hosted a pedagogical conference as one of the most significant events of the year in the life of teachers. What is PR, how to conduct an advertising campaign, and can this be learned by the administration and the teachers of Ukrainian schools?
25.06.2017 | "WHITE CROWS" - 2017. Caring teachers "fluttered" on the Third National (Un)conference EdCamp Ukraine
The modern teacher must constantly develop. Therefore, it is so important to participate in a variety of activities that allow you to expand the pedagogical horizons and see the path to perfection. How to survive on EdCamp's - read in part "Lifehucks to visit EdCamp".
24.06.2017 | There is something to be proud of, and where to work in. Inspired essays by EdCamp Ukraine
Teachers-biologists form a solid platform for further professional development of specialists in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. A well-known pedagogical publishing house about the session "Agroprofessions: Myths and Reality" from one of the largest agricultural holdings in Ukraine.
24.05.2017 | "Vymiry" [...] Accounting of children. Why does this school practice exist?
Sociologists of "Children and Papers: How to Achieve Balance at School" research Oleg Marushchenko told about the purpose and components of the accounting school children procedure, pointed to signs of its obsolescence and inefficiency, and offered possible solutions to the problem.
13.05.2017 | The Third National (Un)conference for School Teachers EdCamp Ukraine
Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliya Grynevych and spokeswoman of EdCamp Ukraine Iryna Minjkovsjka about readiness of teachers, parents and schoolstudents to changes in national education.
12.05.2017 | 700 white crowns
Anastasija Donsjka, Larysa Denysenko, Mykola Skyba, Halyna Tkachuk, Viktor Kruglov, Nastja Meljnychenko about EdCamp Ukraine 2017. Warm, sincere and profound words!
05.05.2017 | Teacher is looking for, police is looking for ... or "districts" as the mazes of fate
9 000 teachers said "Get out!" to Bureaucrazavr in the study "Children and Papers: How to Achieve Balance at School." Specially for "Ukrajinsjka pravda. Life" Oleksandr Elkin, Oleg Marushchenko and the team of EdCamp Ukraine have prepared an article on the current results of the Working Group on de-bureaucratization of school management under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
04.05.2017 | How to make Ukrainian school interesting. Advise of international experts
Loss of interest to school, vast amounts of information that is necessary to remember, lack of practical application of knowledge - these problems are all familiar to teachers worldwide. Anna Zharova, Irena Pranskeviciute, Puhach Yauheni, Vlada Khimenko, Giovanni Porcellana about how Ukraine can make school interesting and comfortable.
04.05.2017 | Liliya Grynevych: "It is wrong to consider parents a resource that will help to equip the school, then they lose the trust"
We offer to read about why in Ukraine the crisis of a knowledgeable school is, why 60% of children use tutoring services, how to solve the problem of technologies at schools and when society has outstripped secondary education in its development.
03.05.2017 | 100 000 hryvnias and an invitation to Dubai: the contest for the best teacher of the year started
Does everyone remember that at EdCamp Ukraine 2017 a national stage of the Nobel Prize for educators - Global Teacher Prize Ukraine launched? Read more about who can participate, what evaluation criteria are and what the winner receives :-)
03.05.2017 | Waiting for "New Ukrainian School"
What questions did the teachers ask to the Ministry of Education and Science Liliya Grynevych at the Third National (Un)conference EdCamp Ukraine 2017?
02.05.2017 | Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliya Grynevych visited Kharkiv
The mission of teachers - to be a light. The mission of education - to discover the world. Since it is rapidly changing, schools and teachers must also change. I know how difficult it is for those who have an active role in their groups. I wish EdCamp would give you the inspiration to go forward. When I see this room, and these people, I am sure that the new Ukrainian school, the school of competencies of XXI century will be!", - Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliya Grynevych.
02.05.2017 | Liliya Grynevych: children will dance and sing
Why should children have to draw, sing and dance at school? When instead of methodological cabinets should "educational service centers" that will supervise and assist teachers appear? What do we need to get a teacher - mentor and friend for each child? Participants of the Third national (un)conference EdCamp Ukraine 2017 were looking for answers of these questions.
01.05.2017 | Zhadan and children. How schoolchildren taught the teachers
"They wish us peace and our land to be all reunited. Wish us good. They call to come to Lviv region, want to come to visit us, they want to talk more. In fact, it is unexpected but very nice!" Children from Stanycja Lugansjka responded to letters which the teacher from Lviv region have brought for them.
01.05.2017 | New Ukrainian School. Hundreds of teachers gathered in Kharkiv to support educational reform
Some teachers are not satisfied with outdated curricula, others - with the excess paperwork and the lack of practical application of knowledge. In their schools these teachers feel like white crows, and here at the forum - they are among the alike-minded persons. They are looking for new friends and share contacts. How it happens - watch cool video from TV Gromadsjke.
30.04.2017 | News 112. Release 16:00, 30.04.2017
Just from the event`s place on national TV :)
30.04.2017 | Experts from 20 countries gathered at EdCamp Ukraine
Implementation of sexual education, inclusion and changes in programs - for such innovations education system is waiting", - Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliya Grynevych said within the Third educational (un)conference EdCamp.
29.04.2017 | In Kharkiv huge all-Ukrainian (un)conference for educators is being held
A video from the event that answers the questions, why EdCamp format is different from other educational techniques, how many speakers held sessions at the same time at EdCamp Ukraine 2017, who "white crows" are and long tail is.
29.04.2017 | The third national EdCamp Ukraine has been opened in Kharkiv
Stock up with white paint! "We are building a community of responsible teachers! - participants of the event affirm. We are white crows in the educational space, but we do not suffer from this, on the contrary: we offer all teachers to stock up with white paint!"
29.04.2017 | In Kharkiv national (un)conference EdCamp Ukraine - 2017 is being held
"Development and professional growth of the teacher can be occured in different forms and institutions. Teachers, if they want, can develop programs themselves, basing on the abilities of schoolstudents and on their own experience. Freedom and independence should become the most important factors for the work of teachers. School itself should prepare not for exams, but for life", - Oleksandr Elkin, inspirer of the EdCamp movement in Ukraine, said.
28.04.2017 | April 29 Liliya Grynevych with 650 Ukrainian teachers and experts from 20 countries will participate in EdCamp Ukraine 2017
Liliya Grynevych will join EdCamp Ukraine 2017 and during Saturday along with the Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration Yuliya Svitlychna will attend the opening of (un)conference and the start of the national phase of Global Teachers Prize, during the "frank conversation" will communicate with teachers about the "New Ukrainian School", listen to Sir Ken Robinson and will take part in an informal meeting with experts from 20 countries.
27.04.2017 | Professions of the future
To give advice about the future teacher himself/ herself must see this future and possibilities of it for the child. In the projections of the most popular professions in 2030 Canadian experts put teacher on the first place. That is why the main theme of the Third National (Un)conference will be "New Ukrainian School", which is to prepare children for the future and new jobs. Aestheticians, school nutritionists, simplicity experts ... which specialties are also defined by this study?
22.04.2017 | How do we prepare books for EdCamp Ukraine 2017
At which stand at the Third National (Un)conference will be possible not only to get verbal advice, but also information cards about various books and a brief description explaining why these books are worth reading by teachers and their students? What publishing houses have supporeted literary gatherings?
06.03.2017 | Children will evaluate teachers` work within open classes
In Ukraine children evaluating teachers - an unprecedented phenomenon for the current school system, in which teachers have the inviolable authority, and school students are often left out of the educational process. What will open lessons on the Third National (Un)conference EdCamp Ukraine in 2017 look like?
12.04.2017 | New education: children will evaluate teachers` work
During the Third National (Un)conference EdCamp Ukraine - as at the First and the Second - teachers from all over Ukraine will be able to learn their real professional level. Open classes - except the teachers and facilitators - will be evaluated by the children. Do they cope with unfamiliar audience? Do girls and boys like their method of teaching?
04.04.2017 | EdCamp: gender parallel of school education
What was the gender parallel at the Second National (Un)conference EdCamp Ukraine 2016? Who became practitioners? Why should we seek to school, friendly and attentive to children and adults, regardless of gender? Thanks to the publication created for the understanding of gender issues in Ukrainian society for wonderful material.
01.04.2017 | Talk with Oleksandr Elkin about the way that EdCamp Ukraine team went from dream to community
Straight talk with Oleksandr Elkin about the way that EdCamp Ukraine team passed from dream to community: 8000 registered students, current topics, foreign speakers and new software!
20.03.2017 | During two days Ukrainian teachers will get 150 options for professional development
Listen to Oleksandr Elkin and Olena Malakhova about how we choose the winners, which topics interest Ukrainian school teachers, what experience of the educational expedition to Finland will be represented at the event and even about where we take funding for such large-scale events.
14.03.2017 | Trust and responsibility: 10 observations of the Finnish education from Oleksandr Elkin
According to PISA research reading, mathematical and science literacy of the Finnish school students traditionally is on a high level. But why is Finland among leaders for so many years? We suggest you to read the first impressions of Oleksandr Elkin and Olena Malakhova on educational expedition to Finnish schools.
06.03.2017 | Liliya Grynevych will join 600 teachers at EdCamp Ukraine 2017
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliya Grynevych will live April 29 in New Ukrainian School, along with the 600 teachers from all over Ukraine! "We believe that core and change agents, on which success of most of the reforms of the "New Ukrainian School ", is practicing teachers. Teachers who are willing to be active, participate in activities of EdCamp and share experiences with each other",- said Mrs. Grynevych.
06.03.2017 | "Children and papers": hunting for "bureaukrazavr" and project conclusionsnt
Answers to the most painful questions about the paper load and solutions of the problem from the Head of Board of NGO "EdCamp Ukraine" Oleksandr Elkin.
11.02.2017 | Academy of Pedagogical Science Lost its Monopoly on Curriculum Development
What has the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliya Grynevych tell during her speech at the podium discussion "Change Agents of the New Ukrainian schools. Who Are They?" within the (un)conference mini-EdCamp "Progressive Changes in Elementary School" held on February 11, 2017 in Kyiv?
11.02.2017 | Oleksandr Elkin About EdCamp and Why It Is Important
If you were unable to attend mini-EdCamp Kyiv, now you can watch video of the podium discussion involving Minister of Education and Science Liliya Grynevych, inspirer of EdCamp movement in Ukraine Oleksandr Elkin, Director of the Department of Education and Science of KCSA Olena Fidanyan, Head of board of the company "Liko- Holding" Igor Lysov, headmistress of Kyiv school № 5 Svitlana Oleksyuk, teacher and chairman of the parent committee of Liko-school - Nina Bardakova and Georgiy Khioni.
27.01.2017 | EdCamp Ukraine Is Provider of Educational Initiatives in Ukraine
Known edition of pedagogical press and literature publishing house "Shkiljnyj svit (School World)" spoke with Oleksandr Elkin about successful state-public partnership in the project "Children and Papers: How to Achieve Balance at School" and educator`s openness, his motivation and willingness to change as the main criteria to be selected not only in the events of EdCamp Ukraine, but also in the New Ukrainian School.
23.12.2016 | The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine starts de-bureaucratization of school activity
On the main educational resource of the country information resource the Order № 1593 of 22.12.2016, the Working Group to update the standard instruction ащк secondary schools, and the final report on the survey "Children and Papers: How to Achieve Balance at School" has been placed.
19.12.2016 | In the final of the Ukrainian-German project "Youth Debates" school students debated about 12-years school education
The main educational web-site of the country told about Kemmann Ansgar, who developed the technique of "Jugend debattiert" 15 years ago and due to whom it has become widespread in Germany, as well as about the winners of the "Youth Debates" final in Ukraine now.
9.12.2016 | "Viddzerkalennja" program
Iryna Minjkovsjka and Kateryna Didenko — spokesperson of EdCamp Ukraine and student of Kharkiv sanatorium educational complex № 13 — on one of the best Kharkiv television programs "Viddzerkalennja".
9.12.2016 | Pupils will debate according to German methodics
This is not our emotions, it is friendly press center in Kharkiv, where the teams of EdCamp Ukraine and Internationalen Haus Sonnenberg spoke about the German-Ukrainian project "Youth Debates" and invited the general public to semi-final and final on 10 and 11 December.
29.11.2016 | O. Elkin: laugh through tears. Document o byurokrazavr
Head of the Subcommittee of secondary education in the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and inspirer of EdCamp movement in Ukraine on the most irrelevant and unnecessary documents in Ukrainian schools.
29.11.2016 | Almost 7 hours a week a teacher spends on paperwork - the survey
Famous opinion about short working day of the teacher "till 12 and home" has appeared a myth. Learn more about this and other stereotypes in an interview with the inspirer of EdCamp movement in Ukraine Oleksandr Elkin and the counselor of the minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Oksana Makarenko.
23.11.2016 | 60 million USD per year on printing and 12 hours a week on paperwork at schools - an interim report of the project "Children and Papers" has been published
"We will certainly not be able to cancel all the documents, as some participants of the survey have suggested, but this study showed us the priorities in the direction of de-bureaucratization of the general secondary education", Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliya Grynevych has promised.
04.11.2016 | Paper and School
"Each Ukrainian school produces documents at least on 2,000 sheets of paper monthly." The EdCamp Ukraine inspirer Oleksandr Elkin gave an interview to Lviv newspaper with the highest circulation the team of which devoted the next issue to the problem of de-bureaucratization of secondary education in Ukraine.
Government portal shared the first results of the first in Ukraine anonymous systemic survey of documentation and reporting in secondary school "Children and Papers: How to achieve Balance at School" with the expert circle and the public.
19.06.2016 | Ukrainian pupils will be trained to debate according to the German techniques
In Ukraine, the project "Youth Debates" (Jugend debattiert), which aims to teach today's students –tomorrow's managers – to debate correctly and make mature decisions, is starting. Olena Malakhova tells about this new initiative of EdCamp Ukraine.
08.06.2016 | Why do some books have no pictures of girls?
Have you ever noticed that in school textbooks pictures, drawings and images you can see boys, men,
old men rather than others? Why girls’ images are ignored and who benefits by it are the questions examined by the experts on gender issues Iryna Kogut and Olena Malakhova.
01.06.2016 | Reform in education
Education requires not only new declarations and laws but, at first, the new values. Secondary education
in Ukraine is free and mandatory but what are the reasons to go to school. About this and what is wrong
in the educational system is in the interview by Oleksandr Elkin.
26.05.2016 | Oleksandr Elkin, “The revolution in education happens at school lessons”
The revolution in education does not begin in high offices, it starts in the classroom. Changes are we ourselves because it is in our hands to change things around. Changing school and teachers in order
to make a child happy is the purpose of EdCamp Ukraine. Oleksandr Elkin tells about the project features.
17.05.2016 | Giovanni Porcellana about engineering as a profession
A nuclear engineer in CERN, a businessman, a co-founder and COO in Bizanami (a platform for startups),
a speaker at the Second National (Un)conference for School Teachers tells us what parents should
do so as not to discourage their children from learning and studying science.
11.05.2016 | Game Over, or How to convince a child to break away from the computer
Eva Rambala, an expert on nonviolent communication, being a speaker at the Second National (Un)conference EdCamp Ukraine 2016, shared her experience how to convince your child to execute your request without raising your tone.
25.04.2016 | New Ukrainian School – a Vision
EdCamp Ukraine team has developed a vision of the future Ukrainian school. Its principal propositions
are focused on the development of the competencies needed for work and life in the 21st century.
Which skills children should have and if there is any discrimination in modern school is known
by Oleksandr Ekin and Olena Malakhova.
15.04.2016 | Technoknowledge: How to Steal DNA
Yori Kamphuis, a TEDx speaker, a co-founder of Coblue Cybersecurity, at the Second National (Un)conference EdCamp Ukraine in Kharkiv told how technologies would change.
14.04.2016 | We teach our children to lie since their childhood
Oscar Brenifier, Ph.D., a writer, one of the most famous world experts on child development, a master
of uncomfortable questions answered the main question that worries all parents at the educational (un)conference EdCamp Ukraine.
13.04.2016 | About EdCamp Ukraine 2016
For the second time in Ukraine, in Kharkiv, there a national educational (un)conference
EdCamp Ukraine was conducted. A unique event for training school teachers had several thematic emphases. All interested people could visit unconventional lessons, look behind the scenes of Wikipedia
or learn to draw again.
10.04.2016 | EdCamp Ukraine: teachers are taught to move away from the authoritarian model
of education
The experts from 12 countries shared their experience of teaching. What new principles will be followed
to teach children in Ukraine?
08.04.2016 | The Community Time: About EdCamp Ukraine 2016
The original (un)conference format was invented in America. "The peculiarity of EdCamp is that teachers
can help their colleagues on their own. We give them ‘the right to speak’ ", told the program director
of the EdCamp Foundation Kim Sivick.
08.04.2016 | Teachers are going to Kharkiv to get professional development
Why are teachers from the whole country going to Kharkiv? What are they going to learn and what are they going to teach students then?
07.04.2016 | The Second EdCamp Ukraine
Press conference on the Second National (Un)conference for school teachers, EdCamp Ukraine 2016. Oleksandr Elkin, Olena Malakhova, Iryna Minjkovsjka, Maryna Pashchenko and Kim Sivick (USA) told
about the details of the event.
11.03.2016 | How to improve Ukrainian teachers’ skills?
An alternative model for improving teaching in Ukraine exists. Using the format of EdCamp Ukraine teachers can improve their skills. How to help them know Oleksandr Elkin and Maryna Pashchenko.
17.02.2016 | We treat teachers as the most honorable people in our country
How many people want to work at school now? Unfortunately, one of the reasons for the answer "no"
is the low prestige of a teacher profession. Oleksandr Elkin and Maryna Pashchenko – initiators of EdCamp
in Ukraine – decided to raise the status of the most important profession in the world.
16.02.2016 | Oldschool is not cool: why the old educational system doesn’t suit your child
A child isn’t born as a happy one, he or she becomes happy. It happens not only because of parents
but school. Your children spend eleven years of their life in the walls of this institution. What changes
are needed in secondary school and what it should be like was told by Oleksandr Elkin
and Maryna Pashchenko, the organizers of EdCamp.
06.01.2016 | Oleksandr Elkin, “EdCamp is a simulator for the educators who want to be modern”
The EdCamp format ranks the 6th place on the list of innovative developments in education in the world.
To help students to adapt, socialize and succeed is what current teachers aspire.
23.07.2015 | New Technologies in Education
What will education be like in the future? What is the opinion of the international expert circle on this issue? Is it possible to reform the school system radically? What do we lack for successful change? Oleksandr Elkin shared his vision.
08.07.2015 | EdCamp Ukraine 2015
What textbooks should be used in the classroom? The thoughts shared by Riya Malakhova, a schoolgirl,
and Oksana Ivanko, a computer science teacher.
07.07.2015 | 8 golden rules how to make learning interesting for a child
The principles of Constance Fortunato, a teacher with a 40-year experience, a speaker
at EdCamp Ukraine 2015.